25 And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
God is almost finished. Parallels with day 3, the earth is filled with creeping things, and beasts, and livestock. He gives word for the earth to come alive. After the sea has been replenished with life, and the skies filled with winged creatures, then the earth may bring forth all manner of creatures. And they are diverse in nature. From tame livestock, to wild beast God gives word to create such a diversity on the planet.
God acts. He also did the work He set out to do. Giving word and acting on it. The earth is, indeed, filled with all manner of beast, and creeping thing all according to their kind, as is right with nature. Some to live on the grass and herbs of the ground, others on flesh, some harmless and some ravenous this is the diversity being brought out of the world as designed by God. Such is portrayed here thatthe entire design of the planet shows it cannot have happened by chance. That all this diversity comes about from a single cell is utterly absurd unless a God is involved in the whole process. If the earth did evolve from a primeval soup such a wide ranging catalogue of beasts would not be, but simply one. God has everything to do with this process, whether a six day creation, or a process lasting longer, God is not only involved but responsible for all these things coming together.
Bigger Picture - God created diversity. Looking out on the world we can see plenty of different colours. And looking in on the church, the body of Christ, we can see plenty of colour. God blesses such a thing, but if God created it you must acknowledge and love it. The amount of different people in a church, not just black/white, yound/old, but poor, and wealthy, educated, and simple, all have a part to play in God's creation and God blesses all those who belong to Him. The church is a symbol of the relationship God has with the earth, so it needs to model a oneness that is shown through the creation account.
God is almost finished. Parallels with day 3, the earth is filled with creeping things, and beasts, and livestock. He gives word for the earth to come alive. After the sea has been replenished with life, and the skies filled with winged creatures, then the earth may bring forth all manner of creatures. And they are diverse in nature. From tame livestock, to wild beast God gives word to create such a diversity on the planet.
God acts. He also did the work He set out to do. Giving word and acting on it. The earth is, indeed, filled with all manner of beast, and creeping thing all according to their kind, as is right with nature. Some to live on the grass and herbs of the ground, others on flesh, some harmless and some ravenous this is the diversity being brought out of the world as designed by God. Such is portrayed here thatthe entire design of the planet shows it cannot have happened by chance. That all this diversity comes about from a single cell is utterly absurd unless a God is involved in the whole process. If the earth did evolve from a primeval soup such a wide ranging catalogue of beasts would not be, but simply one. God has everything to do with this process, whether a six day creation, or a process lasting longer, God is not only involved but responsible for all these things coming together.
Bigger Picture - God created diversity. Looking out on the world we can see plenty of different colours. And looking in on the church, the body of Christ, we can see plenty of colour. God blesses such a thing, but if God created it you must acknowledge and love it. The amount of different people in a church, not just black/white, yound/old, but poor, and wealthy, educated, and simple, all have a part to play in God's creation and God blesses all those who belong to Him. The church is a symbol of the relationship God has with the earth, so it needs to model a oneness that is shown through the creation account.
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