20 And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.
21 So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.
23 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.
Paralleling with day two the waters and skies that were created and separated, God now commands the earth to be filled with living creatures.
(Let the waters...) This is begging a question. What is the purpose of doing it in this order? Swarms of living creatures in the water, and flying birds in the sky. These are two extremes, and, in light of Genesis 9 and 10, without the land in place the birds would not survive. Why would God command the creation of two opposing creatures. The birds are high, and the sea creatures are low, and the earth is able to support both.
God first commands, then creates. It is crucial to know that God generally acts after telling people what He is going to do. This is the first mention of any living creature. Not hearing of creatures before this point shows how the creation of the earth is gradual and the progression is from that which is less excellent to that which is more excellent.
(...according to their kind...) God is careful in His creation of the creatures to know that their purpose is inline with their kind. As in Romans 2, we are judged according to our works, not by our faith. This is not meant that we are not justified by faith, we are, but that from the faith, we do not want to enter into a relationship with God where our works do not correspond with our purpose.
God instructs His new creation to make themselves part of what is now their home.
(And God blessed them...) This is the first time God blesses anything. The first creatures must be worth something to God as the blessing is for His own works. He will not forsake them.
(..be fruitful and multiply...) And what a blessing! Something to be pleased with is something that as multiplication and fruitfulness takes place they are reminded of their blessing.
Bigger Picture - Look at how the earth is taking form: Each day, gradually, it rises and advances from good to better to best, and God continually sees it as good. This is an inspiration to press towards perfection and endeavour that your last works may be your best works. And, as you strive towards that perfection, know that it is according to your works that you are judged. Sanctification is the next step in the Christian faith and it should not be something side-tracked by a life full of grace. Repentance should see a transformation not a temporal regret. That way, the new creation you become on being born again, will see how, first light, then water, then land and vegetation, then lights, then creatures blessed with being fruitful and multiplying. What stage are you at? And what do the different stages relate to your life? Sanctification is a slow process, and, through all of it, can only be progressed by the grace of God, and His Holy Spirit. He wants to bless you, and seeking Him for the help to undergo the sanctification process is the only way a striving for perfection will be attainable at all. Seek His guidance, He begun each day with commands that were carried out, and this can be true for your life too.
21 So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.
23 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.
Paralleling with day two the waters and skies that were created and separated, God now commands the earth to be filled with living creatures.
(Let the waters...) This is begging a question. What is the purpose of doing it in this order? Swarms of living creatures in the water, and flying birds in the sky. These are two extremes, and, in light of Genesis 9 and 10, without the land in place the birds would not survive. Why would God command the creation of two opposing creatures. The birds are high, and the sea creatures are low, and the earth is able to support both.
God first commands, then creates. It is crucial to know that God generally acts after telling people what He is going to do. This is the first mention of any living creature. Not hearing of creatures before this point shows how the creation of the earth is gradual and the progression is from that which is less excellent to that which is more excellent.
(...according to their kind...) God is careful in His creation of the creatures to know that their purpose is inline with their kind. As in Romans 2, we are judged according to our works, not by our faith. This is not meant that we are not justified by faith, we are, but that from the faith, we do not want to enter into a relationship with God where our works do not correspond with our purpose.
God instructs His new creation to make themselves part of what is now their home.
(And God blessed them...) This is the first time God blesses anything. The first creatures must be worth something to God as the blessing is for His own works. He will not forsake them.
(..be fruitful and multiply...) And what a blessing! Something to be pleased with is something that as multiplication and fruitfulness takes place they are reminded of their blessing.
Bigger Picture - Look at how the earth is taking form: Each day, gradually, it rises and advances from good to better to best, and God continually sees it as good. This is an inspiration to press towards perfection and endeavour that your last works may be your best works. And, as you strive towards that perfection, know that it is according to your works that you are judged. Sanctification is the next step in the Christian faith and it should not be something side-tracked by a life full of grace. Repentance should see a transformation not a temporal regret. That way, the new creation you become on being born again, will see how, first light, then water, then land and vegetation, then lights, then creatures blessed with being fruitful and multiplying. What stage are you at? And what do the different stages relate to your life? Sanctification is a slow process, and, through all of it, can only be progressed by the grace of God, and His Holy Spirit. He wants to bless you, and seeking Him for the help to undergo the sanctification process is the only way a striving for perfection will be attainable at all. Seek His guidance, He begun each day with commands that were carried out, and this can be true for your life too.
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